Discover how Efird Nutrition has helped clients find joy in food, ditch diet culture, and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Read Our Latest Testimonials

  • “Since my first appointment I have noticed a significant change in how I view food and weight loss. Elaina is understanding and makes sure that any change to my food intake and exercise will fit my lifestyle and will be a realistic option. Elaina cares about the success of her patients and is sure to listen to concerns and clearly explain her solutions”

  • “Elaina explains everything in a way that is understandable and makes you feel empowered to want to make a positive change – that is actually achievable. She has totally changed the way I think about nutrition and exercise. I have more energy, get a workout in almost everyday, and moreover, feel like I am consciously fueling my body instead of just eating because I have to.”

  • “I really enjoy working with Elaina. She has pushed me to become healthier and feel better both physically and mentally.”

  • “I have been working with Elaina for half the year and I cannot believe the improvements I have made. Before I met with her I was training for a marathon and not eating nearly enough. My body and mind were exhausted. Once I started working with her and changing my eating habits not only did my running improve but my body felt much better overall. I meet with her every week which is a great check in for me to make sure I continue to eat enough and stay healthy.”

  • “When I was in a caloric restriction mode I was more tired, I constantly obsessed about my food intake and exercise, I had more GI upset, and my body image issues were at their worst. I was shocked and a bit relieved to learn I should eat more. I still have times that it is still hard to change the way I feel around food but Elaina has been such a huge emotional support. I have emailed her on numerous occasions between my appointments for support. She is always fast to respond and really understands what her clients are going through and responds with kindness and compassion.”

  • “Elaina is so knowledgeable and understands that everyone has a unique relationship with food, weight, and body image. She really takes the time to gather information about your eating history and creates a plan that fits YOUR life and your goals.”

  • “I have struggled with chronic stomach problems for several years and seen specialists, naturopaths, and other nutritionists with no success. It was not until I started to work with Elaina that I have not suffered in daily pain and discomfort.”

  • “Elaina was able to find foods that work for ME and the needs of my body. She made me re-think my negative relationship with certain foods, which I desperately needed. I highly recommend checking it out and booking your appointment!”

  • “Trusting the process is important with this type of program because it will take a little while for your body to get on track but once you get going, it makes a huge difference. Don't give up too early!”

  • “Working with Elaina has been such an unbelievably positive experience. Her advice has shifted my eating habits significantly (for the better) and I have been able to implement her recommendations through the various stages of my life from pregnancy, to nursing, and just as my regular old self. I look forward to every visit, shes basically my therapist.”

  • “Working with Elaina has been incredible. I went from not believing anything that was said to me, to listening, to hating that I was listening, to really being happy with where my body is at. Elaina offers a complete shift in perspective that is so important and takes time.”