A virtual nutrition practice that helps you to create lifelong behavior change surrounding food and your body.

About Efird Nutrition

Efird (pronounced E-furd) Nutrition is a virtual nutrition practice that helps you to create lifelong behavior change surrounding food and your body. Elaina’s goal is to help you feel empowered to make food choices that are realistic, mindful and FUN!

Elaina says that her motto is “live to eat, don’t eat to live” and yes, you read that correctly. For too long diet culture has told us that you should eat as little as possible, as bland as possible and if you’re enjoying food, you’re doing something “bad.” Elaina is here to tell you, that’s not true. Her goal is to help you bring back your enjoyment around food in a way that’s sustainable and evidenced based. Yes, food is fuel and serves a purpose but it’s also a huge part of how we connect to ourselves and other people a.k.a live to eat!

Virtual nutrition coaching with Elaina is individualized to accommodate for your dietary, life and budget intricacies. Elaina takes a weight-neutral approach and looks at the full picture of your health. Your weight is the LEAST interesting thing about you and will never be our primary focus. In fact, go ahead and throw away that scale while we’re talking about it!

Meet Elaina

Elaina Efird, RDN, CSSD, CEDS-S

Elaina is a Registered Dietitian with 11+ years of experience working to help people create a healthier relationship with food and their bodies. She completed her bachelor’s degree in dietetics at Virginia Tech (GO HOKIES!) and throughout her career has earned additional certifications as a specialist in sports dietetics and the treatment of eating disorders.

Elaina is passionate about providing evidence-based nutrition information to help her clients feel empowered in their food choices. If you’ve seen Elaina on social media, you know she uses both humor and candor to fight against diet culture and widespread nutrition information. Unfortunately, the nutrition field has gotten incredibly confusing, but Elaina is here to simplify it. Food shouldn’t bring you feelings of stress, guilt, anger or frustration. Instead, food should be a source of energy, excitement, community and joy.

Hailing from a family full of food connoisseurs, she is more than just passionate about her work, it is her whole life.

A bit about Elaina’s Credentials:

  • RDN: Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist

    Nationally recognized certification that requires completion of a Bachelor’s degree, an accredited supervised practice program, passing of a national exam and ongoing continuing education credits.

  • CEDS-S: Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Supervisor

    Specialist certification designating excellency in the treatment of eating disorders. Elaina is also credentialed to provide supervision to other professionals that are working in the field of eating disorders or earning their required hours for completing the specialty certification.

    See HERE for more information on supervision.

  • CSSD: Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics

    Specialist certification for dietitians through the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) indicating expertise in working with fitness and athletic performance.

Get to know some more about Elaina: