What Dieting Really Does to Your Body & How to Reverse the Damaging Effects

If you’ve lived in diet culture for any length of time, then you are familiar with the yo-yo cycle. 

Even though you know it’s probably not the best thing for you (it hasn’t worked the last 10 times, has it?), it’s hard to resist when every turn you go you see promises of weight loss attached with the dream life you’re made to believe you’ll get as a result. 

You might think… what’s the harm in trying just ONE more new diet? Maybe this one will be the one that you will finally be able to stick to and will get you results. 

Have you ever stopped to consider what’s happening to your body when you live in this cycle?

It is not harmless. Diets are actually damaging to your body and health. 

In today’s episode with Elaina Efird, a Registered Dietitian who specializes in metabolic testing, we discuss what dieting actually does to your body and how to opt out of this vicious cycle so you can focus on your health and peace of mind. 

You’ll understand the science of what is happening inside your body when you start and end a diet, how the normal cycles of life affect weight, the importance of evaluating the nutrition advice you take from social media (and how to filter through the red flags!), and why it’s good for your health to throw out all the food rules and actually to enjoy your food!


What the Actual Fork Podcast


All Things Metabolism (including Reverse Dieting)