Individual Coaching

Elaina is now offering 1:1 nutrition coaching. All sessions will be virtual via a secure platform. This is the perfect way to help you meet your goals in the most individualized way, with ongoing support and accountability.

There is so much conflicting nutrition information out there but one thing we know for sure? You will be successful in meeting your goals with accountability. Research supports this! It’s not the fad diet that will get you to your goals, it’s not the strict meal plan, it’s not just “willpower,” it’s accountability.

That’s where Efird Nutrition steps in. Fill out our brief questionnaire and let’s dive in!

First time? We will start with an Initial Package!

  • - 1 Initial consultation (75 min)

    - 1 quick check-in call (15 min)

    - Access to member resources

    - Direct messaging with Elaina

  • 1. Getting to know each other and a comprehensive nutrition history

    2. Detailed discussion of goals

    3. Understanding your unique lifestyle habits, schedule, family situation and how all of that plays a role with your food intake

    4. Plan for moving forward: what changes can we make, what’s realistic, attainable and most of all, what is enjoyable?!

  • 1. Quick discussion of what's working or not working

    2. Anything you need clarification on from our first visit?

    3. What works best moving forward?

    4. Let's schedule some follow-up visits!

  • We will start a little differently! You, of course, won’t need to do the initial visit. Please still fill out the contact form and Elaina will get you set up!

Do you recommend consistent follow-up visits?

  • Absolutely! Accountability is key!

  • It’s important that we do at least 2 nutrition sessions. Ideally, we would get into a rhythm of weekly or bi-weekly visits. Not much is accomplished in the initial nutrition session other than getting a detailed nutrition history, a good baseline and place to start on your goals. Change comes through action, and without consistent follow-up it’s challenging to reach any conclusions or set any realistic, specific goals. Remember, we are working on lifestyle change, it’s not going to change in one, 75 minute session.

Are you offering Body Composition Testing?

Elaina is NOT offering Metabolic Testing and Body Composition through her virtual practice. Click Here for more details on testing and how you may be able to get some done in your area.

Ready to get started?